Teen Think Tank
School Violence
Cholla Magnet School
Tucson, Arizona
Thursday, December 02, 1999
7:40 AM Introduction - Importance of this session
8:00 AM (G1) Pick the Top 3 causes of violence
8:05 AM (G1) Brainstorming for Ways to Prevent Violence
8:20 AM Combined G1 & G2 Teen Survey and Feedback
8:27 AM Adjourn Meeting
8:32 AM Second Group - Cholla - Start Here
8:33 AM 3-Minute Video about Teen Think Tanks
8:55 AM (G2) Pick the Top 3 causes of violence
9:00 AM (G2) Brainstorming for Ways to Prevent Violence
9:15 AM (G2) Ranking the proposed actions for Depression
9:20 AM (G2) Ranking the proposed actions for Rumors
9:25 AM Go to Teen Survey (from the beginning)
- Survey Questions and Choices in Original Order
1. Do you feel safe at school?
2. Do you feel loved and accepted by your parents?
3. Generally speaking, do you feel accepted and respected by your peers?
4. Do you feel accepted and respected by your teachers?
5. What do you fear or worry about the most during your daily routine?
6. If one of your classmates was threatening violence, what would you do?
7. Do you know someone (other than a law enforcement officer) who carries a gun?
8. Do you know someone who carries a lethal weapon other than a gun?
9. Should parents be held responsible for the crimes of their children?
10. Should parents impose limits on their children's behavior?
11. What will you tell your friends about this Teen Think Tank?
12. Please enter any other comments, observations or suggestions about this Teen Think Tank.
13. Please enter any other comments, observations or suggestions, in general.
9:26 AM Adjourn Meeting
First Group (G1) - Brainstorming for causes of violence
Participant Instructions
Please review the list of causes and add any items you feel should be added to the list.
Click the "+" to open a window for your input.
Please click "submit" for each separate idea.
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
1. Parental Neglect / indifferent parents
2. Rejection by Peers
3. Lack of Morality and values taught to children at home
4. Lack of Discipline, Lack of self control
5. Drugs
6. Lack of Love and Acceptance
7. Lack of Respect for Others
8. Racism
9. Violence in media (movies, television programs and music)
10. Easy access to guns or other weapons
11. Easy to commit an act of violence if there are no punishments or unpleasant consequences.
12. Lack of ability to cope with society and emotions
13. Morality has degraded in all aspects of life ...this is the cause of the rise in violence.
14. Dysfunctional family and/or psychological disorders
15. Conflict with teachers
16. Pride
17. lack of self respect
18. Lack of discipline in the home
19. They were raised in a violent environment
20. lack of self discipline
21. taking fantasy and turning it into reality
22. Not being able to deal with problems correctly
23. People as a group don't accept people for having individual ideas. If you don't agree with them, then they hate you.
24. peer pressure
25. drugs and/or alcohol in the home
26. depression
27. Gangs
28. mental block
29. attitude towards others
30. color of clothes
31. feeling of possession
32. no love from family
33. getting the wrong message out of their punishments
34. people who need a lot of attention
(G1) Prioritization of Causes of Violence
Participant Instructions
Please quickly indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the listed items as potential causes of violent behavior.
Use "Agree" or "Disagree" to indicate your response to most items. Reserve "Strongly agree" or "Strongly disagree" for the extreme cases only. If you have no opinion or do not understand an item, please click "N" for neutral.
When finished, click on the "ballot" symbol or press "F3"
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
Total number of voters (N): 22
4.05 2. Lack of Discipline, Lack of self control
4.00 3. Gangs
3.90 4. Rejection by Peers
3.86 5. lack of self discipline
3.86 6. Lack of Morality and values taught to children at home
3.86 7. Parental Neglect / indifferent parents
3.76 8. Lack of Love and Acceptance
3.76 9. They were raised in a violent enviroment
3.73 10. Lack of Respect for Others
3.71 11. peer pressure
3.71 12. Lack of discipline in the home
3.64 13. Easy access to guns or other weapons
3.64 14. Dysfunctional family and/or psychological disorders
3.62 15. attitude towards others
3.62 16. Not being able to deal with problems correctly
3.62 17. depression
3.57 18. Lack of ability to cope with society and emotions
3.52 19. Pride
3.45 20. drugs and/or alcohol in the home
3.43 21. People as a group don't accept people for having individual ideas. If you don't agree with them, then they hate you.
3.41 22. Drugs
3.38 23. people who need a lot of attention
3.38 24. no love from family
3.29 25. Easy to commit an act of violence if there are no punishments or unpleasant consequences.
3.19 26. lack of self respect
3.05 27. geting the wrong message out of their punishments
3.05 28. color of clothes
3.05 29. Conflict with teachers
2.95 30. taking fantasy and turning it into reality
2.86 31. feeling of posession
2.81 32. Morality has degraded in all aspects of life ...this is the cause of the rise in violence.
2.67 33. mental block
2.50 34. park
2.36 35. Violence in media (movies, television programs and music)
Participant Instructions
From this list of potential causes of violence, pick the three items you consider to be the most likely causes of violence in the Tucson area.
After selecting 3, click on the ballot box or press "F3" (Function key 3).
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
Number of ballot items: 19
Total number of voters (N): 20
8 2. Rejection by Peers
6 3. Gangs
6 4. Lack of discipline in the home
5 5. They were raised in a violent enviroment
4 6. Pride
3 7. Parental Neglect / indifferent parents
3 8. peer pressure
2 9. Lack of Discipline, Lack of self control
2 10. lack of self discipline
2 11. Lack of Morality and values taught to children at home
2 12. Lack of Love and Acceptance
2 13. depression
1 14. Lack of Respect for Others
1 15. Easy access to guns or other weapons
1 16. Dysfunctional family and/or psychological disorders
1 17. attitude towards others
1 18. Lack of ability to cope with society and emotions
0 19. Not being able to deal with problems correctly
Participant Instructions
Please enter each recommendation as an action to be taken by some responsible group. Each entry should be a sentence and should begin with the responsible party and followed by an action word. For example: "Parents - talk with each child at least 5 minutes each day." or "Students - report any lethal weapon to the school office."
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
I think ways we could prevent this would be teaching kids when their young that everybody is equal.
Parents Teachers and friends try to teach others that acceptance is key to our society and that discrimination against others should not be accepted.
I don't think there is a prevention there are too many people that get looked up to that are racisest.
Nothing can be done about this because people will always hold predjuices.
it starts at home so parents need to teach their kids
There's nothing that can be done about racism, plain and simple
Parents should speak with their kids about the color of their skin and always remind them that they are as equal as everyone else.
Students shouldn't get all offended about names they are called, i mean it is only names.
Racism is the evil of all evil. It has been around for a long time. Although racism may not be stopped entirely in its tracks, we can teach how not to hate to to youger poeple
Racism is every where you go.
the only way to prevent it is to not see the color but to see the person
raicism should not be around young one, since they are prone to beileve all that stuff.
you cant end it but you can lower the amount of people who do it
I think the only way to stop racism is for parents to talk to their kids at a early age and tell them that everyone is equal.
That will not stop anything there will always be a color barrier and thats final
Kids are starting to form their own little groups around school. Like i notice that the black kids around here are not that many so they tend to hang out with only each other
Racism-Who can stop it? Only the people that do it can stop it!!
There is no end when will you people realize that!
There will always be ways to distinguish one group from another so I don't believe that requiring uniforms is any way to stop gangs
Gangs are just a bunch of cowards that want public acceptance but cannot find it. We should accept people for what they are.
I agree
Police and Government leaders should organize a law that says 10-20 years if caught Gangbanging.
Parents shouldn't let there children be in any type of activities that they know gang activity will be.
Students should be more responsible.
I think that this would be very hard to prevent. Uniforms I think wouldn't really help though because that just changes whats on the outside, it doesn't change whats on the inside, and if their in a gang, then their in a gang, and clothes isn't going to change that.
I think when kids are in gangs it's a reflection of bad parenting.
Parents should put more discipline on their children so that kids have morals and guidelines.
I think that how you are grow up rilly depends on how you are rased. Diciplined children have diciplined lives
Parents should take extreme measures to discipline their children.
it,s all about the environment that you live in.
Parents-I think are the biggest cause of teen violence in our society. If they don't show their kids right from wrong as young children how are they supposed to know what they can and can't do? A lot of people put all the blame on the kids, maybe they should start looking at the parents who are more at fault.
parents play the biggest part in this violence thing. Its all in the way your brought up that makes you the person you are. I mean when I was growing up and getting in to trouble I got a whoopin and didn't do it again. These kids are gettin off to easy, My mom taught me how to act and how to conduct myself away from home.
Parents always discipline their kids its just the kids dont listen.
parents need to make consequences more severe.
Parents should teach kids how to deal with thier problems and emotions, and should not only discipline , but set some ground rules.
Parents should let there children always know that they are loved this will let the kids know that they have loved ones at home.
If a child is stupid enough to go and kill kids for the hell of it, the parents should have recognized it in the first place.
Parents.... Look if they were brought up in a enviroment were mostly they seen violence either from their parents or just the hood they grew up in that's all the seen and know so what do you think their going to do. The exact same thing.
parent that abuse there children or each other are emotinaly scaring there childern and that can lead to them breaking the law and them neglecting there peers
Teachers and Schools should take more notice to the students to get some feedback on their home life and then take action if anything looks unordinary.
If kids see their parents hitting each other then they walk to the quick-e-mart to but some milk and they their friend gets shot and busted up then violence is already in their head.
Schools teach kids not to accept certain people and that creates violence.
the inviroment that you live in will affect your life.
Yourself.... A lot of people have too much pride to let a fight or something pass up. What I once heard is if pride can turn an angel into a devil what can it do to you.
People should always keep their pride its the only thing some of us have.
Well, the obvious would be parents should stop ignoring their children
I fell that if your not getting attention in the home then they fell like they need to get it somewhere else.
talk to your parents tell them.
Parents- say if the mother is a lesbian or the father is gay and the kid has not been taught that that is perfectly fine then they will carry a lot of hate around with them because of it and take it out on others.
Parents dont neglect their kids, the kids just seperate themselves from their families.
You should not cave in to your friends and do what you know is right.
I think that someone who is trying to hard to fit in, they need to just stick with people that will accept them for who they are and not what they can offer. Stick with their own kind and there will be no problem.
Kids that don't have too many friends and they feel lonely then they can lash out on other people
Peer pressure is a major problem
you should try to get pass it and move on.
kids need to just let it go. just know that the person doing the teasing aren't perfect so just let it go.
The kid being rejected needs to make a better effort to fit in.
Participant Instructions
Click the "+" to open a window for your input.
Please click "submit" for each separate idea.
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
1. Parental Neglect / indifferent parents
2. Rejection by Peers
3. Lack of Morality and values taught to children at home
4. Lack of Discipline, Lack of self control
5. Drugs
6. Lack of Love and Acceptance
7. Lack of Respect for Others
8. Racism
9. Violence in media (movies, television programs and music)
10. Easy access to guns or other weapons
11. Easy to commit an act of violence if there are no punishments or unpleasant consequences.
12. Lack of ability to cope with society and emotions
13. Morality has degraded in all aspects of life ...this is the cause of the rise in violence.
14. Dysfunctional family and/or psychological disorders
15. Conflict with teachers
16. depression
17. being teased
18. Rumors
19. Conflict with friends or family members.
20. People separated in to their own groups or cliques
21. being picked on
22. lack of attention by peers
23. bullies
24. Lack of communication with parents, friends, etc.
25. Conficts about boyfriends/girlfriends
26. Mentality
27. Parental separation.
28. Lack of support.
29. lack of guidence
30. Lack of maturity
31. agression
32. lack of love
(G2) Prioritization of Causes of Violence
Participant Instructions
Please quickly indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with each of the listed items as potential causes of violent behavior.
Use "Agree" or "Disagree" to indicate your response to most items. Reserve "Strongly agree" or "Strongly disagree" for the extreme cases only. If you have no opinion or do not understand an item, please click "N" for neutral.
When finished, click on the "ballot" symbol or press "F3"
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
Total number of voters (N): 27
4.11 2. Lack of Discipline, Lack of self control
4.04 3. being picked on
4.04 4. Rumors
4.00 5. Parental Neglect / indifferent parents
4.00 6. Racism
3.96 7. Lack of Love and Acceptance
3.96 8. being teased
3.92 9. Conflicts about boyfriends/girlfriends
3.88 10. lack of guidance
3.85 11. Lack of communication with parents, friends, etc.
3.84 12. aggression
3.81 13. Drugs
3.80 14. lack of love
3.78 15. Rejection by Peers
3.73 16. bullies
3.70 17. Lack of Morality and values taught to children at home
3.65 18. Conflict with friends or family members.
3.65 19. Dysfunctional family and/or psychological disorders
3.60 20. Lack of maturity
3.59 21. Lack of ability to cope with society and emotions
3.59 22. Easy to commit an act of violence if there are no punishments or unpleasant consequences.
3.59 23. Lack of Respect for Others
3.58 24. Lack of support.
3.54 25. Mentality
3.44 26. Morality has degraded in all aspects of life ...this is the cause of the rise in violence.
3.42 27. People separated in to their own groups or cliques
3.35 28. lack of attention by peers
3.33 29. Easy access to guns or other weapons
3.27 30. Parental separation.
3.23 31. Conflict with teachers
2.59 32. Violence in media (movies, television programs and music)
Participant Instructions
From this list of potential causes of violence, pick the three items you consider to be the most likely causes of violence in the Tucson area.
After selecting 3, click on the ballot box or press "F3" (Function key 3).
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
Number of ballot items: 20
Total number of voters (N): 27
7 2. Rumors
7 3. Racism
5 4. Conficts about boyfriends/girlfriends
5 5. Drugs
5 6. Rejection by Peers
5 7. Lack of maturity
4 8. Lack of Discipline, Lack of self control
4 9. being picked on
4 10. Parental Neglect / indifferent parents
4 11. being teased
4 12. Lack of communication with parents, friends, etc.
4 13. agression
3 14. lack of guidence
3 15. Lack of Morality and values taught to children at home
2 16. Dysfunctional family and/or psychological disorders
1 17. Lack of Love and Acceptance
1 18. lack of love
1 19. Conflict with friends or family members.
0 20. bullies
Participant Instructions
Please enter each recommendation as an action to be taken by some responsible group. Each entry should be a sentence and should begin with the responsible party and followed by an action word. For example: "Parents - talk with each child at least 5 minutes each day." or "Students - report any lethal weapon to the school office."
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
Parents and students need to communicate more. Students need to be more open with parents.
Parents should talk to their kids, ask them how their day was, and if any they should help take some action to make their problems better.
student is sad because someone in their family has died, so they take out their pain on to others.
Students- stop getting so depressed over little things like boyfriend/girlfriend things or stuff that really isn't too important at this point in your lives
Teens must treat each other as equals
Students need to quit blaming the world for there problems and need to let other help
Teenagers need to learn that there are more people out there that care about them than they think.
Teens must treat each other as equals.
Teens must get help with any sort of problem
Student should talk to counselors, teachers, friends or family about their problems instead of letting their anger, and bad feelings build up inside
Depression is your mental state if you make a person or help make a person happy the depression will cease to exist. and all you have to do to a depressed person is be nice, and conversate with them.
Teenagers must realize that it does help when you talk to a really close friend and open up your feelings.
Moping around doesn't solve anything.
Depression causes many things like suicide, and turning to drugs and I feel that's too much for someone our age to handle, therefore they should go to counciling or some where else where they can get the help they need.
Student dont get all of the love in their family so they bring it out of their house and take all the anger out on someone else.
Teachers and peers- listen to somebody if they have something to say, and if it's serious, seek help. You could be saving his/her and your life.
Depression should not be a part of anyones life. Now a days kids are getting depressed over things that are not very important. Teens need to put their life in order, we need to think of what we should put first.
Students Tell other students about things that are not even true.
Students cause the rumors because they can't keep their mouth shut they always have to put someone down by saying things that are not true!
Students will always be spreading rumors, but handling them in a mature manner is what we need to work on.
Parents- should pay more attention to their kids when they are being told something about school or any other activities. They should also put into consideration about who their kids are hanging around with.
Students need to talk to who ever they think is starting a rumor, and if it is indeed that person find out why they started it.
Students need to confront others with their problems, instead of spreading rumors and making the situation more dangerous.
Students need to talk to other students instead of starting things
Teenagers, should be able to talk about their conflicts or go to someone with higher authority to stop something before some thing happens real bad. One more of advice, they should never go up to the person who supposably said it it can cause more problems sometimes.
Students - Stop talking behind each others backs and stop trying to start stuff
students- rumors are what cause people to get a bad temper and just go off on the person who started them.
Teenagers- The top reason for fights that I have witnessed has been because of rumors. Someone hears something said by another person and tells someone else and so on and so fourth. Then by the time it gets to the person who it was about it's not the same as the original version. Thus fights break out. I think one way to keep fights from breaking out due to rumors is we need better communication skills. people need to actually talk things out and speak person to person or else fights and violence due to rumors is going to continue.
Students need to handle rumors in a mature way.
Students talk about another student behind their back, and this makes the student very mad, so they want to hurt the person that started the rumor.
Students stop talking about people you don't like and get to now them.
Rumors are very, very bad, they cause people to fight and then someone always winds up getting hurt. Whether it's mentally or physically.
Students-don't believe everything that you hear. Talk to that person you hear the rumor about, before you get mad.
Parents- are the key to stopping racism, if you can make the parents not prejudice then you make the kids not prejudice
parents should talk to their kids daily about racism how it is not right to hate someone because of their skin
students, don't have to talk about color because we are all the same
Administrators and School advisors should make a program teaching children what different words mean and that racism should be excreted from a students mind only because the person using this tactic of trying to anger someone is yet ( Ignorant ) him,her self
ALL GROUPS OF PEOPLE- We need to leave what was once done, to cause slavery or judgement by the way people live behind. That is so old. What we need to realize is that now a days we got to get along with each other and just keep on going on to the future.
People in general cause racism,instead of just accepting people for who they are.
I think people should stop being so racist because, we are all the same and even though it may take thousands of years for people to realize that. I think we should all stop and think of what's so different about each others color?
People have their different opinions about everything, but sometimes it hurts, if the problems goes any further than just fun and games they should tell school administrator to do some thing about it.
Students that are being treated different should report to a school administrator to find the best way to resolve
Parents need to teach their children that race is nothing but a color, everybody bleeds red blood
Everyone is equal and we need to understand that. Students as well as adults need to except people as they are, their personality, and not by what they look like.
Dont judge people by the way they look and treat them bad.
Everyone should know that although we may look different on the outside, we're all the same on the inside.
Students need to respect others no matter what racial background they come from.
People need to learn that we all were created equal so color should not matter in what we do or say
Just because someone look different then you that does not mean that you have to treat them different.
i think that it is a thing of the past that people don't want to let go
Boyfriends and girlfriends should go to a place by them selves and try to work it out by them selves and if they cant then they should give each other some time apart.
all, need to stay away or have officer watch them
Student, its just a boyfriend/girlfriend not the rest of your life
Boy and girl friends- should talk problems and conflicts over with each other. If one of them wants to break up, and the other doesn't, breaking up would be the best choice, because staying together would only make their relationship worse, and breaking-up might be for their good. Stay friends, don't let something that dumb ruin your friendship. Work things out!
Student dont want people to go out with other people so when they are going out then they tell one of them something that is not even true.
Couples- You need to understand that the both of you are together for a reason, because this may be the person that you want to spend the rest of your life with. You also have a long way to go until you actually find Mr. or Mrs. Right. There are plenty of fish in the sea.
Couples should be able to talk about their problems with out having their FRIENDS interfere with them when their working things out.
Friends- talk to your boy or girlfriend, and if you need to, give each other some time. If the love is true, things will work out.
Couples should keep all conflicts within their relationship to themselves. They should also be responsible enough to keep others out of their conflicts.
Couples need to handle their problems on their own and not bringing people in it
Teenagers need to focus more on school than on weather or not a certain person likes them or not.
Student has a boyfriend/girlfriend they end up braking up the student starts to get sad so he wants to make everybody around him sad.
Couples are a big part in our life and they can get us really mad and or sad, they cause drugs, depression and etc.
just say no when offered
Students need to quit doing drugs
Students, should report any illegal drugs to authorities
Teenagers, not knowing how drugs can affect your life and the way you act with others.
Students should not pressure people to do drugs if their friends dont want to do it then leave it alone let it go
Teenagers need to get more involved in drug control in the school.
Parents show their teenagers how to do drugs, or they just do it right in front of them.
Parents- should talk to their kids about why they would take or do drugs, and if child and parent can not communicate the friends should talk to their friends about it.
Students should not take drugs, but people will do what they want to do, but I don't think that drugs have anything to do with it.
Teenagers should really help, if they say they want a future, kids , and a family and want their hopes and dreams to come true, then get the help that is needed.
All Students and People who aren't students.- Drugs lead you no where at all. The way that drugs affect you is just a thing you would not like at all. They affect you, your family, your social life, and you physical character. NOT GOOD AT ALL!
Dont do drugs because there is no point to it and you wont live past twenty.
School administrators should provide more guidance counselors to help build self esteem.
Students need to get over being rejected
Peers- should accept everyone as he/she is. They shouldn't put somebody out, and tease them just because they don't dress like them or fit into their little click.
Students should give someone a chance before rejecting them
Peers should give everyone a chance and treat everyone as an equal
Other people making fun of you.
parents, talk to your son and try to help with any problem at school
Students need to not only look at anothers outside appearance but try to look in the inside. Get to know someone before you decide whether or not you're going to be their friend. If people in the world were to never give anyone a chance no one would hare any friends!
Parents need to be aware of how their children are feeling about their peers.
Everyone should give each other the chance to get to know a person or persons before judging the way that person(s) looks like, or what they hear about them.
PEOPLE need to stop rejecting others just because how they dress, look, eat, or act. And they need to treat people the way they want to be treated.
cliques and separate groups start hating each other and that is what starts fights.
Rejection by peers is one of the biggest yet easiest to solve. If you would teach children that we live in the United States of America and not the United States of Advertising, and that its alright to be themselves ... everything would be nice.
students need to help people less fortunant.
Peers treat others with fairness and respect
Students don't act their age, and do silly thing .
Students- You need to grow up because in a couple years you cannot act childish or else you will not make it in the real world
Student should grow up and act there own age
Parents should talk to them about maturity how they need to act their own age
parents don't help their kids to grow up
They need to act there own age and not take life as a joke.
students think that they are big bad macho men/women and someone gets hurt
Students need to stop acting like fourth graders and start acting their age, not every thing is a joke and not everyone takes jokes as jokes.
Students, there is a time and a place for everything, LIMIT the goofing off
Students- students don't know how to handle things and think that violence is the only way. Students are not mature enough to figure out that you can work things out with just talking
Parents should take care of their children. If they want them to be successful in life they need to help them in any way they can. For example don't just talk to them about school work but instead just try to get to know them in different ways.
Parents need to take a more active role in their childs personal as well as their educational lives.
Parents need to help their students on problems they in or out of school.
students and parents need to find away to communicate a more successful way.
Teachers- talk, I believe that a teacher should talk to the child before yelling (making fun of them) at them. I mean that a teacher should not make fun of a child in a class full of about 30 students. The students will continue to make fun of the child just as you made fun of that child. A lot of kids go home crying because every body is making fun of them because of something that you said and you could have stop it if you would have just taken the time out to stop and talk with them. You can learn a lot from a kid.
People in general need to be put in place if they are acting dumb
People who are not mature enough to live in our society should be exiled.
Participant Instructions
Please use "SA" or "SD" only for those items for which you feel the strongest.
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
Total number of voters (N): 27
3.37 2. Teenagers must realize that it does help when you talk to a really close friend and open up your feelings.
3.31 3. Teenagers need to learn that there are more people out there that care about them then they think.
3.31 4. The student should talk to some one about it.
3.30 5. Teachers and peers- listen to somebody if they have something to say, and if it's serious, seek help. You could be saving his/her and your life.
3.30 6. Teens must treat each other as equals
3.30 7. Student should talk to councilors, teachers, friends or family about their problems instead of letting their anger, and bad feelings build up inside
3.30 8. Depression causes many things like suicide, and turning to drugs and I feel that's to much for someone our age to handle, therefore they should go to counciling or some where else where they can get the help they need.
3.26 9. Teens must treat each other as equals.
3.22 10. Depression should not be a part of anyones life. Now a day kids are getting depressed over things that are not very important. Teens need to put their life in order, we need to think of what we should put first. If
3.22 11. Moping around doesn't solve anything.
3.22 12. Parents should talk to their kids, ask them how their day was, and if any they should help take some action to make their problems better.
3.15 13. Depression is your mental state if you make a person or help make a person happy the depression will cease to exist. and all you have to do to a depressed person is be nice, and conversate with them.
3.07 14. Students- stop getting so depressed over little things like boyfriend/girlfriend things or stuff that really isn't too important at this point in your lives
3.04 15. Peers treat others with fairness and respect
2.96 16. Teens must get help with any sort of problem
2.93 17. Students need to quit blaming the world for there problems and need to let other help
2.85 18. Student dont get all of the love in their family so them bring it out of their house and take all the anger out on someone eles.
2.37 19. student is sad because someone in their family has died, so they take out their pain on to others.
Participant Instructions
Please use "SA" or "SD" only for those items for which you feel the strongest.
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin.
Total number of voters (N): 25
3.24 2. Students couse the rumers because they can't keep thair mouth shut they always have to put someone down by saying things that are not true!
3.23 3. Students need to handle rumors in a mature way.
3.20 4. Students should talk to the root of the rumor (the person who spread it) about what they can do to solve their differences.
3.17 5. Teenagers- The top reason for fights that I have witnessed has been because of rumors. Someone hears something said by another person and tells someone else and so on and so fourth. Then by the time it gets to the person who it was about it's not the same as the original version. Thus fights break out. I think one way to keep fights breaking out due to rumors is we need better communication skills. people need to actually talk things out and speak person to person or else fights and violence due to rumors is going to continue.
3.16 6. Students need to talk to who ever they think is starting a rumor, and if it is indeed that person find out why they started it.
3.16 7. Students need to confront others with their problems, instead of spreading rumors and making the situation more dangerous.
3.12 8. students- rumors are what cause people to get a bad temper and just go off on the person who started them.
3.12 9. Students-Stop talking behind eachothers backs and stop trying to start stugg
3.08 10. Parents- should pay more attention to their kids when they are being told something about school or any other activities. They should also put into consideration about who their kids are hanging around with.
3.05 11. Rumors are very, very bad, they cause people to fight and then someone always needs up getting hurt. Wither it's mentally or physically.
3.05 12. Students talk about another student behind their back, and this makes the student very mad, so the want to hurt the person that started the rumor.
2.95 13. Students stop talking about people you don't like and get to now them.
2.95 14. Students-don't believe everything that you hear. Talk to that person you hear the rumor about, before you get mad.
2.92 15. Students Tell other students about things that are not even true.
2.92 16. Students need to talk to other students instead of starting things
2.88 17. Teenagers, should be able to talk about their confics or go to someone with higher athority to stop something before some thing happens real bad. One more of adivice, they should never go up to the person who supposally said it it can cause more problems sometimes.
Participant Instructions
In the time that remains, please give us your quick responses to this questionnaire about youth violence issues and school safety.
If you do not have time to answer the discussion questions, please skip ahead and answer the multiple-choice questions.
Thank you for your participation in this Teen Think Tank.
Click "OK" when you're ready to begin the survey.
1. Do you feel safe at school?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Select either Yes or No.
Y 37
N 11
Yes% 77.08
No% 22.92
N 50
n 48
Results Chart (1. Do you feel safe at school? )
2. Do you feel loved and accepted by your parents?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
SA-Strongly Agree A-Agree D-Disagree SD-Strongly Disagree
SA(4) 36
A(3) 11
D(2) 1
SD(1) 0
Total 179
Mean SA(3.73)
Mode SA
High SA
Low D
STD 0.49
N 50
n 48
Results Chart (2. Do you feel loved and accepted by your parents? )
3. Generally speaking, do you feel accepted and respected by your peers?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
SA-Strongly Agree A-Agree D-Disagree SD-Strongly Disagree
SA(4) 12
A(3) 31
D(2) 3
SD(1) 1
Total 148
Mean A(3.15)
Mode A
High SA
Low SD
STD 0.62
N 50
n 47
Results Chart (3. Generally speaking, do you feel accepted and...)
4. Do you feel accepted and respected by your teachers?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
SA-Strongly Agree A-Agree D-Disagree SD-Strongly Disagree
SA(4) 6
A(3) 37
D(2) 4
SD(1) 1
Total 144
Mean A(3.00)
Mode A
High SA
Low SD
STD 0.55
N 50
n 48
Results Chart (4. Do you feel accepted and respected by your...)
5. What do you fear or worry about the most during your daily routine?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]
Click in the box to enter text.
Number of responses to this question (n): 43
1. I fear that if something may happen and I'm at the wrong place at the wrong time.
2. The only thing i fear while i am at school is nothing
3. Getting involved with the wrong crowd
4. That anyone could just walk up and blow you away for no reason.
5. that someone stupid is looking for a fight and they start something with me
6. Getting my car stolen.
7. geting in a fight over something stupid
8. That there will be a really bad fight, and someone i know getting hurt really bad
9. Someone pulling a gun out of their pocket and shooting me
10. some punk try to sweat me
11. I fell really safe at this school. But I think that if something were to happen it would be a gang fight.
12. I fear crazy people
13. I have no real fear of any thing at school and I don't think I ever will
14. People will try to ruin your life by any means possible.
15. I don't fear anything while I'm at school.
16. nothing
17. Getting beat down by a (reference deleted).
18. Walking to the bus stop in the morning.
19. That someone might do something uncalled for and end up hurting me or my family.
20. I don't think I really fear or worry about much at school other than whether or not I'm going to pass Algebra, because Algebra's hard
21. Some black dude blowin my brains out for tellin him off.
22. nothing
23. I worry about being harassed, assaulted, or something else because of my race.
24. Turning in my homework
25. I don't really fear anything but I do think to myself at this day and age anythings possible.
26. I fear most the fact that I know people have gun, but I might offend them, and they might take it out on me.
27. I don't really have anything to fear. I feel that this school is very safe and I have no reason to be worrying about violence here.
28. I worry that at school we might get shot or something, because there are kids that don't like you because of racism.
29. No We don't feel respect for teachers they want us to respect them but they can't respect us .
30. falling down the stairs
31. My friends getting hurt in anyway.
32. no
33. how i look
34. I wonder if a shooting would take place, not that we have had any threats, but by looking at the news we never know when someone will strike. I also wonder if any ignorant people will try to start any fights
35. Getting shot at and being forced to defend myself with lethal force
36. I feel like if someone will start something with anyone at any time just to let out there anger for some problem that is happening in there home or anywhere else.
37. getting from point A to point B without getting killed.
38. if i look at someone the and they take it wrong
39. I fear that one will come up to me and put a gun to my head just for my shoes.
40. That people'll start stuff out of nothing. ( also that I'll fall.)
41. If i might have to through some (inappropriate words deleted)
42. Something might go wrong and might do something wrong
6. If one of your classmates were threatening violence, what would you do?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]
Click in the box to enter text.
Number of responses to this question (n): 43
1. I would tell someone in authority and have them help me
2. i would ask the person whats wrong and see if i could help them.
3. prevent my friends and myself from geting hurt
4. I would have to tell someone who can handle the sicwation so that I don't get hurt, if I and no one else try to stop it my self.
5. i would try to stop them as i hope they would stop me
6. Depends on the person making the threat, if i knew he/she was harmless then nothing. If I thought that person would find out I said anything and come after me then probably nothing.
7. the principal or the probation officer on campus or a monitor
8. Go to a teacher or principal, but only if it was a REALLY bad threat.
9. It all depends on the situation, was he doing it to me, someone else, everyone, them tell an authority, or its not that serious, then don;t worry about it.....
10. talk to someone about it
11. I don't know what I would do.
12. I would get someone with authority involved, like an administrater or teacher.
13. I would report it right away to any higher authority
14. I think that i would tell one of the adults here at Cholla so they can do something about it .
15. just tell them to stop but none of my friends are like that so it wouldn't happen.
16. If one of my classmates was threatening me I would tell my parents first and then the school administration. That way it could be taken care of.
17. Say "Don't sing it, bring it!"
18. tell an adult.
19. I would probably ignore it for a while then go and tell the office.
20. Most likely, not take his threat seriously
21. I have had someone threaten violence on me before and what I did to deal with it was just let it go. The person who did threaten violence on me never did anything but now that I think about it, it probably would have been a good idea to tell someone just in case something does happened.
22. I'd laugh at him and tell him he would have to get passed me first.
23. Threatning violence to me? I would take care of it in whatever way presented itself. If I had no other choice but to fight the person I would do it then and there.
24. Laugh about it, if they hate me, me laughing will make them realize that I ain't got a problem with them.
25. I would tell someone with a high level of authority.
26. I would tell a friend and ask for advice. I would also ask my mom what to do.
27. I would probably tell a friend first and ask for his/her advice then I would tell my mom or dad and they would probably contact some kind of authority.
28. I would report it to the teachers or the school attendents because if i don't i could get hurt.
29. I'd tell someone in the administration
30. Tell someone immediately so a tradgedy doesn't occur.
31. Beat the crap out of him.
32. it depends on how they say it or appraoch me
33. I would tell him that anger isn't going to get him anywhere in life and if he still persues threatening hit him with a bat.
34. I would try my best to talk them out of it. If that didn't work i'd report it to someone Eg. School Administrator
35. First I would get him in the sleeper hold, tell him,"Who is your daddy", Then floor him and make sure he doesn't get up!!!
36. I would go see the principal or even the counselor to tell them that i don't feel okay with people talking about threating the school or our classmates..
37. Althogh I never had had that problem, I would probably tell somebody.
38. talk to them about and then tell an adminastrator
39. I would try to help out that person and talk to the other person because they were making a big mistake
40. I'd seek help, and try to talk to that person, and ask him/her why they feel that way, and how I can help.
41. I would tell someone in a higher place than my teacher is the violence is serious.(something besides a fight)
42. I would tell an administrator or try to calm them down myself
7. Do you know someone (other than a law enforcement officer) who carries a gun?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Select either Yes or No.
Y 34
N 14
Yes% 70.83
No% 29.17
N 50
n 48
Results Chart (7. Do you know someone (other than a law enforcement...)
8. Do you know someone who carries a lethal weapon other than a gun?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Select either Yes or No.
Y 33
N 15
Yes% 68.75
No% 31.25
N 50
n 48
Results Chart (8. Do you know someone who carries a lethal weapon...)
9. Should parents be held responsible for the crimes of their children?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Select either Yes or No.
Y 18
N 29
Yes% 38.30
No% 61.70
N 50
n 47
Results Chart (9. Should parents be held responsible for the crimes...)
10. Should parents impose limits on their children's behavior?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Select either Yes or No.
Y 43
N 4
Yes% 91.49
No% 8.51
N 50
n 47
Results Chart (10. Should parents impose limits on their children's...)
11. What will you tell your friends about this Teen Think Tank?
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]
Click in the box to enter text.
Number of responses to this question (n): 41
1. I would tell them that this is a great opportunity for them to speak there minds and not worry about other people judgeing them on their opinion.
2. i would tell them that we will be listen to.
3. nothing
4. That the group allows you to put your own oppions and answer to let other people know what you can do to help. With out having anyone know who you are.
5. I like being able to voice what I thought was need in schools to be help for students that just don't care
6. i would tell them to try it it might help some one some day.
7. That, somebody actually WANTS to hear OUR opinions for once
8. i think it was a cool experiance, it is probably the best way for me and many other people to express our selves
9. I think everybody had some really good ideas about how to stop violence.
10. I think that this is an excellent program and really opens up ideas for prevention.
11. I would tell them that Teen Tank is a better way to express your opinions and feelings about the life of school.
12. I will tell my friends that this is a good way to speak with out anyone hearing you.
13. i don't think anything
14. I will tell them that it is a good way to show how you are feeling about school violence. You get a chance to express what your feeling and have people listen and take it into consideration
15. It was a good, fun experience
16. it was interesting,
17. I would tell them what we did and some of the comments made by other people.
18. That it was time consuming
19. I think this think tank is a really good idea. It allows you let out all your comments and ideas on topics and still remain annonomous.
20. It is a great way to express yourself without riddicule.
21. I would say, It was really interesting to see how many people think violence is caused by the same ting.
22. I don't know?
23. It's a great experience and everyone should be involved
24. It allows you to let other people know how you feel.
25. That there were some good responses
26. I will tell my friends that think tank was a very good thing that they are doing. A lot of people say authority figures are always worried about bills and things like that so I'm grateful that they take the time to think about us and our well being.
27. That it allows you to enter your thoughts without anybody else really seeing what YOU are saying.
28. I'd tell them that this is cool because you can express your feelings without someone telling you stuff about it.
29. they need to try it and express themselves.
30. If i remember, they probaly won't care, so i won't tell them
31. I'd tell them that this was a good way to express how we felt and not be worried about what other people would think about them.
32. Absolutly nothing
33. I would tell them that it is a good way of telling people how you fell about teen violence that is going around in your schools or anywhere were you won't be safe.
34. Nothing
35. It's a really great way to tell how you feel about things like this.
36. that it was pretty tight since you dont have to tell your name but still voice your opinion
37. That this think tank was the best thing for me
38. That if they have anything to say, you can say it without fear. It's pretty cool.
39. It's very interesting
40. I think that it is a really good program
12. Please enter any other comments, observations or suggestions about this Teen Think Tank.
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]
Click in the box to enter text.
Number of responses to this question (n): 28
1. i think that a teachers should be tested like the student are tested because maybe they weren't ready for teaching .
2. It's a start to prevent a lot of accidents from happening. However you must act upon us now.
3. Number 9 and 10 on this ballot should have a maybe or a space to explain.
4. that it is a good program and like i said it will help someone someday
5. I think this was a really good experience, because i got to open up about stuff that i thought really mattered , but never really get the chance to say.
6. this is a GREAT thing to have to do things like this
7. it's a good idea
8. I think this was very good to do. Everybody shared a lot of great ideas. Maybe it might even help some people deal with their personal problems.
9. a lot more time to finish our comments
10. They should have more important topics to express.
11. I think that this is a good program and you should do this more
12. Great job, keep up the good work!!!!
13. It's cool
14. I think all schools should do this to state their feelings.
15. It is working greater than you probably expected, keep it up!
16. This helps students understand how their peers feel about their everyday life at school
17. I feel like the Teen Think Tank is a great idea.
18. I think that you did a good job
19. This Think Tank is really neat because its really confidential and you don't have to worry about people making fun of your answers.
20. I like to be able to express what I really think.
21. i think we need more time
22. I think you need to give more time to let us discuss the problems and maybe students can teach other students how stupid mere Racism, or Rumors, and even depression really is and if the media would broadcast better thing about student and teenagers than the whole world wouldn't think that we are so bad. thus giving a better reputation to teens.
23. I'd like to tell Mr. Marsh thanks for coming and letting us be a part of this
24. I think they should do this on something other things like teen pregnancy or how teen would cope with there problems.
25. It's a really great program and more teens should try this.
26. we should have more time
27. It's a good program, and more teenagers around the world should try it, and adults should listen, and take action.
28. Some people are looking at friends answers and useing them rather than their own
13. Please enter any other comments, observations or suggestions, in general.
A) Ballot
Options: Allow Bypass
Maximum Number of Characters: [12288]
Click in the box to enter text.
Number of responses to this question (n): 17
1. Parents need to pay a little more attention to there kids
3. I think that we all should listen more to what people have to say , and observe more, beacause maybe if we did their wouldn't be so many problems in our society
4. I feel this was the best way to express my feelings without worrying on what other may think about what a certain person feels.
6. To live in America, you should be able to score 100 or above on an I.Q. Test. Send the ones who don't pass to Cuba.
7. People should try understanding or think about what they do before they do it. And realize the consequences that come with what they are doing.
9. We, the youth of America should have the utmost respect for our lives. We must have values and concerns about or future
10. The only violence we should be doing should be LYRICAL. Battle it out!
11. I think Teen Violence and everything a teen does all starts at home.
12. This again is really neat.
13. this is a good idea, you should have this in middle school to. i think thats where you either become a student or a slacker.
14. I have no more comments. Sorry.
15. i think that we should listen to kids and teens more often about these kinds of things we know whats up so let us help out
16. Don't be afraid to say what you really believe in. Try and work things (problems) out as much as possible. Have a good day!
17. The you show the peoples comments they typed about each subject